Long-Term Marketing Strategies That Will Grow Your Business Sustainably

It’s no secret that starting, maintaining and growing a business is hard work. There are so many marketing tools at our disposal now that it can be difficult to know where to focus without spreading ourselves too thin and ultimately, burning out.

Sustaining growth in your small business requires more than just short-term marketing wins like viral reel. Long-term marketing strategies (we’ll dive into some examples in this blog post) are the key to sustainable success without the risk of burnout. By focussing on longer term marketing strategies, you future-proof the success of your business no matter what changes come your way.

In this blog post, we'll explore key marketing approaches for your small business that not only stand the test of time but also adapt and grow alongside your brand.

Long-Term Marketing Strategy #1: Search Engine Optimisation

It’s no secret that as web designers, we’re huge fans of SEO. We even run a course in SEO exclusively for creative female founders! Essentially, SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the strategic practice of refining your website, content and online presence to boost your visibility in search engine results. For example, by strategically using keywords, blog posts and boosting the user experience of your website, you could appear page one when someone uses a search engine to search your industry. The significance of this goes beyond the placement in search listings; it directly translates to increased visibility and enhanced brand recognition.

What truly sets SEO apart as a long-term marketing strategy is its remarkable sustainability—something that distinguishes it from shorter shelf-life marketing tactics. Think of SEO as an evergreen marketing investment. You put a little time in at first learning the ropes, optimising your content etc and then as your business evolves and expands, the impact of your SEO grows alongside it. You aren’t constantly required to create new content or ‘feed’ the algorithm, just set yourself up for success and watch your gains grow over time.

Unlike certain marketing strategies that demand intensive daily or weekly efforts to maintain visibility, SEO operates more like a compounding asset.

It continues to yield benefits and visibility without constant input. This makes it the perfect choice for small business owners looking for a marketing approach that not only sustains itself but actually continues to grow over the long haul.

If you are looking for a visible online presence that brings in new leads, hones your website user journey and makes you money while you sleep, then Search Engine Optimisation is the strategy for you.

Long-Term Marketing Strategy #2: Podcasting

Podcasting has exploded onto the scene of small business marketing in the last few years and has proved itself to be far more than a passing marketing trend. When you get started creating podcast content, you are essentially crafting a timeless resource that continues to deliver value to your audience long after its initial release. You can check ours out here.

A beautiful thing about podcasting is its capacity for batch recording—a process that streamlines your marketing efforts and allows you to create hours and hours of valuable content in a short space of time. The concept of batch recording allows you to dedicate focused blocks of time to record multiple episodes in one go. This approach not only minimises disruptions in your schedule (we’re huge fans of time blocking for this very reason) but also ensures a consistent flow of content over an extended period. Batching episodes and scheduling them weeks in advance allows your audience to engage and build relationships with you and your brand without the need for you to be ‘on’ at all times.

Podcasting becomes even more effective when you integrate SEO optimisation into your podcast titles and descriptions.

By doing so, you enhance the discoverability of your content, making it accessible to potential listeners not just in the weeks following release, but for months and even years down the line. This long-tail SEO effect transforms your podcasts into evergreen marketing assets, continually drawing in and delighting new audiences as they search for relevant topics.

Don’t underestimate the power of your voice when considering podcasting. Listeners form a deep connection with the voice behind the podcast, creating a sense of intimacy and trust with you and your brand. This makes podcasts an invaluable asset in your marketing toolkit—as it not only shares valuable information but also forges a genuine connection with your audience.

Long-Term Marketing Strategy #3: Pinterest

As far as social media platforms go, Pinterest stands out as being pretty unique. Pinterest functions much more like a visual search engine than a conventional social space, making it a great place to share all of your valuable information with a new audience. Pinterest, unlike other search engines, actively directs traffic away from their own platform to your website in the form of blog posts, free resources and product links linked through Pins. Pins are images that users can save to their own boards or click through to.

Pins, thanks to their visual-first nature, possess a remarkable ability to not only capture the attention of your audience, but also to continue gathering interest over extended periods of time.

Unlike the fleeting nature of some social media posts (looking at you Instagram), Pins stay visible for years and continue to resonate with audiences and generate website traffic long after the initial posting.

This longevity ensures a continuous, long-term flow of engaged and interested visitors, contributing to the sustainable growth of your online brand presence.

By strategically leveraging Pinterest's unique search features, you’re able to elevate your brand's visibility in a visually compelling way. The platform's emphasis on visuals provides a dynamic way to show off your unique products, services, and brand personality. Through thoughtful curation of high-value content and strategic Pinning, you can grow a sustainable stream of engaged users to your website, blog and product pages that will boost your brand and increase your sales and enquiries over time.

We recommend using a tool like Tailwind to design and batch your Pins in advance. You can schedule months of content at a time and, other than the occasional check in on analytics, you can be entirely hands off as your traffic and sales grow.

Long-Term Marketing Strategy #4: Creating Timeless Content with Blogging

Blogging is a timeless and foundational element of digital marketing that has been around since the invention of the internet. Used well, blogging continues to stand up as an indispensable strategy for all kinds of small business owners. Way more than just a tool for optimising search engine results, blogging offers a unique avenue to directly engage with your audience, providing value and answering specific questions in a way that will continue to add value long-term. This helps to position your business as an authoritative source within your niche.

Beyond the immediate SEO benefits of targeted keywords, increased traffic and brand authority, the art of blogging allows you to address specific customer queries comprehensively. You can delve into topics, provide specifc solutions, and share insights all through your blog, positioning your brand as not just a product or service provider but as a trusted industry leader. This direct and personalised connection with your audience not only provides tonnes of value, it fosters a sense of trust and authority - essential elements in building a lasting brand identity.

Consistency is key when it comes to blogging. By delivering valuable content consistently (this doesn’t mean daily or even weekly - a monthly or bi-monthly blog is more than enough if you focus long term), you cater to your audience's needs while also establishing your brand as a reliable and enduring presence in your industry. This regular communication creates an ongoing conversation with your audience, reinforcing your brand's expertise and reliability.

By focussing on long-form content like blogging - even if just once or twice a month - you set your business up for online success without ever having to worry about keeping up with social media platforms.

If you do decide to use social media alongside, blogging is a great way to share regular value with audiences both on and off those platforms - win win!


By focussing on long-term marketing strategies in your small business, you are setting yourself up for success for years to come.

Remember that social media platforms and marketing trends come and go. Your brand, your vision and your website belong to YOU and they are here to stay. By making these elements of your business the focus of your marketing elements, you ensure your business will stand the test of time no matter what platforms change or disappear.

From the enduring visibility impact of SEO to the timeless resonance of podcast episodes, the visual allure of Pinterest, and the brand-building art of blogging, these strategies form a robust foundation for small business growth without the burnout. As you embark on your marketing journey in 2024 and beyond, remember this: the seeds you plant today will blossom into the lasting success of tomorrow.


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